Mindful eating tips during the Super Bowl

A hand poised over a bowl of chips and salsaAmelia Pape, a registered dietician at the Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center, shared the following mindful eating tips for the Super Bowl:

Consistent Meals

Plan to eat meals as you usually would leading up to the game. Eating consistent meals and nourishing yourself pre-game can help you avoid being overly hungry when it’s game time. Skipping meals earlier in the day to “save room” can often lead to overeating and not feeling well later on. Eating consistent meals and nourishing yourself pre-game can help you avoid being overly hungry when it’s game time. Skipping meals earlier in the day to “save room” can often lead to overeating and not feeling well later on.

Slow down

Slowing down while eating helps to allow time for your body to register fullness and assess if you’re still hungry. It can take about 20 minutes for the brain to send out signals of fullness. Tip: Space your plates out per quarter to enjoy food throughout the game and allow time to assess hunger and fullness.

Hydrate smartly

If you are drinking soda, alcohol or other beverages, don’t forget to also hydrate with water. An easy way to remember to hydrate is to alternate every other beverage with a glass of water.

Increase variety

If available, aim to include a variety of food groups on your plate. Include foods rich in protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Varying your foods will help balance your plate, add nutrition, and increase enjoyment. Remember, if it’s not possible to balance your plate this is just one meal during the year and your overall dietary pattern is what is most impactful on your health.

Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center

For more delicious recipes, nutrition tips, and cooking and nutrition classes, contact the Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center at (970) 495-5916 or see the KRNC website. More health tips are also available at the College of Health and Human Sciences Pinterest board. Lastly, don’t forget to sign up for the KRNC monthly newsletter!

The Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center is in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, part of CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences.

Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center