KRNC Student Spotlight

Lauren Sauer

Lauren Sauer was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is entering her final semester at CSU with four and a half years in the nutrition program. Lauren is very interested in the holistic approach to nutrition. She is constantly amazed how eating a particular way can prevent hundreds of illnesses as well as reverse some.

Lauren’s short-term plans include obtaining an internship and passing the certification exam to become a Registered Dietitian. Long-term, she plans to work in preventative care. Working at the KRNC has been an eye-opener for Lauren. She states, “It has given me confidence in my internship applications because I am familiar now with how nutrition counseling works from this hands-on experience.” Lauren said that the practicum experience has been one of the best experiences she has received here at CSU.

The Kendall Reagan Nutrition Center is in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences.