Outstanding grad built her foundation through construction management

Vanna Hosanny’s journey to and through Colorado State University is one of chance, passion, and serendipity. Originally from the island country of Trinidad and Tobago, Hosanny’s first foray in higher-education was sparked by an act of pure spontaneity when she threw a dart at a map of the United States and ended up finding her state at CSU.

“I researched and visited multiple Colorado universities, but the second I stepped on CSU’s campus I knew I was home,” Hosanny said.

Vanna Hosanny stands outside of a PCL construction site.

Last summer, Hosanny interned with PCL Construction. She will return to work as a field engineer with PCL after graduation.

Home, again

As a CSU College of Liberal Arts alumna (B.A., ‘10), Hosanny didn’t hesitate to re-select CSU to pursue her second bachelor’s degree in the Department of Construction Management. Her choice to return to the Oval was easy, but the road ahead presented its challenges.

“With my additional years came the responsibility of having a fully-functioning adult life that could not be ignored or put on pause,” Hosanny said. “I kept my full-time job while I maintained a full-time class load.”

Hosanny found herself in a balancing act of readjusting to the classroom and campus, all while working and overcoming the trials of adulthood. This was exacerbated by her insecurity of the age gap between her and her classmates.

“Lucky for me, I joined an amazing program that embraced my extra years of experience,” Hosanny said. “Dr. Jared Burgoon helped me realize that it was a great quality that I had a few extra years of experience under my belt!”

Building a foundation of success

In spite of the obstacles presented to her, Hosanny made an immediate impact in the department. By the recommendation of her mentors and friends, Hosanny immersed herself in the program in every way that she could.

“I was the president of the Board of Directors for the CM Program, the senior vice president for the Associated General Contractors Student Chapter, the ASC Design-Build Competition team captain, and a volunteer and project leader for CM Cares,” Hosanny said.

Vanna Hosanny and her classmates at a construction conference.

Hosanny with her Ram Built colleagues. 

Hosanny’s perpetual participation was out of pure love for the program, and she credits her mentors and teachers for contributing to her journey each step of the way. In addition to Burgoon, Hosanny cites Scott Glick, Anna Fontana, and Khristy Jesse all as integral figures in her development in the department.

“Anna and Khristy are two of the best mentors I could have asked for,” Hosanny said. “These two incredible women have always been available to help me through the tough spots, celebrate achievements, and encourage me to be my best self.”

Hosanny’s gratitude doesn’t stop there, however. The Department of Construction Management in its entirety shaped her college experience “to be one of the best she could have ever wished for.”

Reflecting and looking ahead

After receiving her second bachelor’s, Hosanny, alongside the graduating class of 2020, will be entering a world rife with uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught Hosanny to continually show gratitude, and she intends to stay closely connected with her classmates and professors moving forward.

“I’ve walked and continue to walk through this experience with a few things in mind: absolutely nothing is guaranteed, and always be kind as you have no idea what someone else is going through,” Hosanny said.

Despite the state of the world amid the pandemic, Hosanny is appreciative to start her career in construction as a field engineer with PCL Construction.

“PCL is a phenomenal builder, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great organization,” Hosanny said.

As she sets sights on her bright future, Hosanny will always leave room for her Ram Built family in her heart.

The Department of Construction Management is part of CSU’s College of Health and Human Sciences.