CSU’s Child Trauma and Resilience Assessment Center honored

CSU's Child Trauma and Resilience TeamThe Child Trauma and Resilience Assessment Center was recognized in February for going above and beyond and consistently working so hard for such a great cause.

The Employee Appreciation Board surprised them with breakfast and prizes and a big thank you for always putting forth their best. The nomination that was turned in about them reads:

“Over the last 3 years, CTRAC clinicians and supervisors have been working above and beyond to build our new Resiliency Center to support children and families who have experienced trauma. In this center we are training clinicians to provide trauma-informed care in agencies and organizations across the state.

“Employees work long hours, and are continually seeking creative solutions to reach out to families in need. Examples of such creativity include traveling to the homes of families when they find it difficult to get to campus or participating in ‘dance parties’ to help youth feel more comfortable during their assessments. Employees also volunteer their time to find ways to support each other through the secondary trauma experienced through working with our families. That might mean staying late to walk someone to their car, bringing treats to provide energy during long assessment days, or offering mindfulness activities for staff during planning meeting. The work and extra efforts of CTRAC employees is life changing for the families they serve.”

Members of the CSU community are encouraged to nominate a campus unit for recognition; please contact the Employee Appreciation Board or contact any of the board officers.